Open Data Community (OCD) Intelligence

Open Data Community pioneers decentralized allocation methods, fostering resource sharing and insights exploration in data analytics.





Managed By


Expected Duration

End late March

Funding Amount

165,000 ARB

Budget Allocated

7,500 ARB Spent

Why the Program Was Funded

This program was designed by Plurality Labs to :

Rounds & Milestones

Round 1 - Open data hackathon post STIP to conduct fraud & wash trading discovery.

Round 2 - Establish “permissionless suggestion box” for community-led analysis

Conduct post program analysis, post results on forum, execute compliance, send payments

Decision Mechanism

The decision of what to fund is made using two mechanisms: 1) A novel open suggestion box which then is voted on by “ODC Jedis” as a quality analysis and 2) a hackathon judged by experts to reward novel discoveries. Both mechanisms leverage hats protocol. Open Data Community is the only data organization with experience conducting realtime exploratory fraud analysis for adversarial systems. A long term incentive program will benefit from both detecting, defining, and evaluating potentially fraudulent behavior and the effects of the deterrent when participants know this is taking place.

The program supports experiments to see if…

Expected Outcomes

PL assessment according to strategic priorities

Delegate Sentiment