MEV (Miner Extractable Value) Research

Plurality Labs grant establishes Plural Research Society, forum, and voting tools, enabling MEV researchers to allocate 100k ARB.





Managed By

@itslexicon / HOPRs

Expected Duration

End of May

Funding Amount

330,000 ARB

Budget Allocated

60,000 ARB Spent

Why the Program Was Funded

This program was designed by Plurality Labs to :

Rounds & Milestones

Milestones 1-3 Build Plural Voting App (complete) – Bespoke mobile-friendly front-end and back-end for private registration via Zupass, gathering registration data, implementation of plural voting and data visualization (100k ARB)

Milestone 4 Populate Research Community (Feb 18th) - Identify and invite top 50-100 MEV researchers to register. Create and disseminate initial marketing. Use plural voting to set agenda for in-person conference (35k ARB)

Milestone 5 Add Forum Functionality (March 8th) - Add plural discussion functionality to tool and hold initial meetup. Prepare venue, logistics, marketing and external plural advisors for May event (35k ARB)

Milestone 6 Host Event and Distribute Grants (May 31st) - Two-day ETH Berlin event May 22-23. Forum, voting and other plural mechanisms used to produce research proposals where participants collaborate across organizations. Votes will allocate grants to best proposals (100k ARB)

Conduct end of Program data analysis and post results on forum

N.B. the timeline was updated from the initial proposal as key MEV researchers could not attend ETHDenver. The tool can be viewed at

Decision Mechanism

The decision of what to fund is made using a novel forum architecture measuring social distance, providing correlation discounting, and using quadratic voting. MEV is a topic that only a select few researchers are truly qualified to debate. Based on the professional and education backgrounds of the researchers, they may be inclined to certain schools of thought. An MVP proof-of-concept for this forum was built out for Zuzalu and worked.

The program supports experiments to see if…

Expected Outcomes

PL assessment according to strategic priorities

Delegate Sentiment