Questbook Support Rounds on Gitcoin

The program initiated two governance experiments: domain allocation directing funds and four quadratic funding rounds aiding domain allocators.





Expected Duration

Complete & Paid

Funding Amount

100,000 ARB

Why the Program Was Funded

This program was designed by Plurality Labs to :

Rounds & Milestones

Round 1 - Run the Domain Allocation Round and post results

Round 2 - Run 4 Quadratic Funding Rounds concurrently and post results


Decision Mechanism

The decision of what to fund is made using quadratic funding. First, we hosted a round on Ethereum mainnet using Quadratic Funding for Meta-allocation, the decision of how to split 100k ARB between the 4 domain pools. Because these rounds were designed to support the Questbook program, the 4 domains selected by Questbook were used. In the following 4 quadrative funding rounds, the eligibility criteria matched Questbook’s eligibility criteria. They were all run on Arbitrum One.

The program supports experiments to see if…

Expected Outcomes

PL assessment according to strategic priorities

Delegate Sentiment