Grantships by DAO Masons

Grant Ships is an ‘evolutionary grants game’ - a.k.a. The plurality meta-framework - where Grant Ships (grant-giving subDAOs) compete to best deploy capital in the Arbitrum DAO ecosystem. The goal is to continually improve how we allocate capital by learning which Ship models are most effective, who the talented actors are, and which allocations resonate with Arbitrum DAO voters. High performing Grant Ships (as signaled by Arbitrum token votes) are rewarded with more capital to deploy in following rounds.





Managed By

@Matt (DAO Masons)

Expected Duration

Ends Feb

Funding Amount

154,000 ARB

Budget Allocated

27,450 ARB Spent

Why the Program Was Funded

This program was designed by Plurality Labs to :

Rounds & Milestones

Weekly Dev Log

Milestone 1

Decision Mechanism

The decision of what to fund is made using competitive game mechanics leveraging evolutionary selection pressure. Grant Ships is a “meta-allocation” program. In a pluralist program, we need ways to democratically decide how much to allocate to different programs. This could be used for workstreams, incentive programs, and many other use cases.

The program supports experiments to see if…

Expected Outcomes

PL assessment according to strategic priorities

Delegate Sentiment